REAL 3D 2.49 FRACTAL TREE CREATION GUIDE by Cy Starkman Depth (Height, how many segments) Init: 1-10 How many segments deep the tree will be. Each segment will branch x times. This value determines the height or spread of the tree. See Fig1 Rand: 0-100% Affects the init value in a random way, therefore giving branches an irregular length. While this is random you can set limitations to ensure that your tree looks good. 0 - No effect 50 - Any branch may vary in total height by 25% 100 - Any branch may vary in total height by 50% eg - With an init value of 4 and a rand of 50 any branch may contain 3,4 or 5 height segments. With a rand of 100 any branch might contain 2,3,4,5,6 height segments (but no less or more) Branch: 0-100 A pair of digital clippers that force the branching to occur in a specific pattern. Useful with leaves perhaps. See Fig2 for visual explanation (much easier). NB: Leaves only appear at when a branch ends. Good Vary range 30-70. Branch(Bushiness, how many times does a segment branch) Init: 2-10 How many branches the tree can have, also how many times each segment can branch. The higher this the bushier the tree can be, the lower the sparser. Fig3 (2 makes great fan coral) Rand: 0-100% Affect init in a random way. Creating segments with possibly more or less branches. Limited use in that it also affects the initial amount of branches. You want 3 main branches and you get 2 (not very nice) 0 - no effect 50 - any segment may have 25% more or less branches 100 - any segment may have 50% more or less branches Depth: 0-100 Supposedly makes trees with less branches around the canopy than in the centre. I am dubious whether this works or not. And in any case I am not aware of many trees that behave this way. Branch: 0-100% The digital clippers again, this time it is for thinning your tree out. Gives you a percentage of the maximum possible branches. 0 - very sparse 50 - 50% of branches or sparse 100 - All branches possible are present - Very bushy Size (Segment Diameter) Depth: 0-100% By what percentage is one segment thinner than the last. If you make this number to little or create an inital size that is small it is very possible that many of the branches will be invisible or near invisible in renders. (it might be .005 wide) Rand: 0-100 Randomly modifies diameter percentage Branch: 0-100 Questionable use. It allows branches to get thicker or to stay an equal thickness. Length (Segment Length) Depth: 0-100% By what percentage is one segment shorter than the last. Once again caution on how small this number is. If a segment is getting 50% shorter each time your palatial Fig tree is going to look rather stunted. Rand: 0-100 Randomly affect segment length, use sparingly to give a less 'generated' look. NB: It is better to use the Height controls to affect overall length. Branch: 0-100 Questionable use. Possible uses if there are trees with branches that have longer segments further out (I suppose there are such trees). Direction (Tightness) Hor: 0-100 Fig4 From above Real3D trees spiral, this gives them a full appearance. This value determines how tight or loose a spiral is created. Lemon trees would have tighter spirals than Willow trees. Vert: 0-100 Fanning. Best shown in a tree with 0 Horz. the higher the value the greater the fan. Fig5 shows a tree created in the front view but viewed from the side view with 0 Horz and varying Vert NB: Similar values create more balanced trees Norm: 0-100 Acts as a limiter when applying gravity. The branches will bow but not insanely (well). Defines a what is normal for the tree. Having separate norms for horizontal and vertical would be better. Rand: 0-100 Same as all other Rand functions Gravity: 0-100% Upward or downward bowing of branches by x percentage of the length of the segment being bowed. Upward or downward is defined by the normal slider. Extreme use of this can cause objects which look more like a weird hairdo then any tree. As a guide values of 5-25 look normal Rotate Depth: 0-100 Causes branches to either bow down (willow) or up (apple?) large scale gravity will cause this to limited success as such. 0 - no effect 50 - maximum downward bow 100 - maximum upward bow See Fig 6 Rand: 0-100 Same as all other Rand functions some will some won't Subdivision: 1-50 1 is good for test trees. Is great for finished trees, 50 well a bit over the top perhaps. This value not only makes trees smoother but also more defined. eg: the branches have more subtle bends and kinks just like a real one! Gadgets Trunk: Makes all branches sprout from the top of a trunk the height you first define. Central: See Fig 7 Alters the way branches get created. In effect gives even more bushiness. Branch & Leaf Color: Eval definable equations for determining branch and leaf color. A tree which starts off with a red trunk that becomes bright yellow out at the branch tips. You got it! Or a basic variation of leaf color. Color will otherwise be taken from your current color (for branches) and the object color (for leaves) Creation Notes: 1) Your leaf object is created before going into the requester and is the currently selected object. (Be careful when trying different tree designs not to leave the last tree created selected, trees as leaves gets pretty heavy). Unless specified in the requester leaf color is that of your selected object/s 2) Leaves are positioned via their COG 3) Create trees in the front or side view (top view creates sideways trees) 4) When defining primitives after leaving the requester you first give the diameter of the first segment (or trunk) with a primitive sphere. Then you define the starting position, length of and angle of the first segment (or trunk) with a axis primitive. 5) Think about diameter versus length when creating these two objects else many squat fat trees will ensue. 6) Think about the diameter after it has been reduced 5 times for the outer limbs. It is easy to make near invisible branches. 7) Try many variations (But random is just that, you should be able to create any tree without much random) Limitations: Leaves are a sore point, no banana trees, palms etc. You can make the branches of anything. But leaves just stick on the end of branches with little control. No skeleton creation for limbs (Well it could be useful) Depending on how you have defined your tree the leaves might be sticking out at very strange angles. No easy avoidables that I can find. What is also needed: Tree definitions from Fibonacci (An italian botanist) books. x hundred years ago he personally measured the angles, lengths and all information and how it relates for a lot of trees, palms etc. I am told that SoftImage Tree creator is based on his findings. His books should be in any state library. Enjoy your trees.......